Why Choose Wicked Staffing
We work hard with you and for your business.
How is Wicked Staffing Solutions Different?
You can rest your head at night knowing that we have your back and that we don’t cut any corners. Wicked Staffing Solutions interviews and E-verifies all employees. We know and follow the laws and make sure we closely monitor the HR trends to see what’s coming. If you ever need HR assistance, we are here for you.
Our philosophy at Wicked Staffing Solutions is that “recruiting is a verb”! We do all of the following activities and more to find the talent that you want and need.
- Posting jobs
- Social media FB, LinkedIn, etc.
- Database Searches/Resumes
- Email Blasts/Text Blasts
- Phone calls-Pre-screening
- All kind of other events!!!
- Job Fairs
- Open House
- Flyers-Target Geographically
- Targeted Emails/Texts
- Community Partnerships
And so much more but we can’t tell you all of our tricks!
Wicked Staffing Solutions is a Brand Ambassador for your company as well. We will conduct a safety tour and bring recruiters for a tour as well. We will ask you about all of your company’s benefits and why your company is one of the best places to work. Wicked Staffing Solutions always finds a way to highlight what is special and unique about your company and present your opportunities to the best candidates available.